Eagle Eye Produce
4050 E Lincoln Rd, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, USA
Export Sales Representative:
Wyatt Poole
電話+1 (208) 557-2528
イーグル・アイ・プロデュースは、玉ねぎ、馬鈴薯、各種ノガレス野菜の栽培、収穫、パッキング、出荷を一貫して手がけるグロワー兼シッパー。 三万エーカーを超える直営農地の多くの生産者との良好なネットワークを生かし、全米数カ所に所有する最新の加工設備を擁するパッキングハウスから馬鈴薯、玉ねぎ、スイカ、かぼちゃ、トマト、ベルペッパー、なす、さやいんげん、胡瓜を出荷しています。日本への輸出は認められていませんが、馬鈴薯に関してはアイダホ州だけでなく、ワシントン州とネバダ州にて多様な品種を栽培し、大量出荷能力を持つ全米屈指のポテトグロワーの一つに数えられています。

ABOUT Eagle Eye Produce
Eagle Eye Produce is a tier one Grower & Shipper with more than 30,000 acres under cultivation, and an extensive network of grower relationships. Eagle Eye Produce also operates multiple state of the art production facilities with an experienced sales force located across the country dedicated to our customers and their needs. We grow potatoes, onions, watermelons, squash, tomatoes, bell and other varieties of peppers, eggplant, green beans and cucumbers. Our export team is dedicated to exporting Russet potatoes and all colors of onions overseas. Eagle Eye Produce is a Premier Grower & Shipper of many different varieties of Famous Idaho® Potatoes, as well as the best potatoes available from Washington & Nevada to provide Eagle Eye Produce customers a true year-round program of multiple potato varieties