The Neil Jones Food Company
PO Box 30, 1701 W 16th St., Vancouver, WA 98666, USA
Director-International Business:
Bahman Dejbod
電話+1 (360) 737-0116
Toll Free +1 (800) 543-4356

ABOUT The Neil Jones Food Company
Seeking Importers with strong distribution in Food Service and Ingredients. We offer many advantages such as 100% California Fresh Vine Ripen Tomatoes processed in the state of art processing facility
Niche Fruits of North Pacific known for superior quality; very few competition offering high profitability. Products with large demographic users and versatile for Retail, Ingredients, Food Service
Bakeries, Desert Industry, Salads, Buffets, Breakfast Tables, add value as garnishing, Functional food, anti-oxidant, Non GMO, All Natural and good for you fruits.
Using Pacific North West Fruits that are known as superior quality, taste and compliance with regulations. Processed in state of art production facility Managed by recognized leaders in Juice processing.
Tomato & Sauces
Using only California high yield, full meat Tomatoes known as superior quality, taste and compliance with regulations. Processed in state of art production facility. Wide range of tomatoes and Sauces.
Importers, Distributors, Restaurants, School, Hospitals, Factories, Camps, Airlines, Resorts, Catering companies, Cash and Carries, Membership stores, Pizza Restaurants.
As Ingredients for Pizza, Pasta, Sauces, Soups, Seafood, Gumbos, Salsa, and many others.
Using Pacific North West Fruits that are known as superior quality, taste and compliance with regulations. Niche fruit items, Non GMO, high in Antioxidant, very few competitions to increase importer margins.
Ingredients, garnishing, adding value, in Drinks, Salads, Breakfast bars, or eat just as fruit for health benefits.